Thursday, August 15, 2019

Analyzing Disorders

Eating, substance abuse, sex, gender, sexual, and personality disorders are among the group of disorders that affect many in society. Unfortunately, it is harder to diagnose some disorders, however with symptoms being early detected it is easier to diagnose these disorders. Disorders initiate from an origin. Biological, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral components exist; these factors develop according to daily living and exposure to various environments.Explanation through analyzing the components and statistics gives a better understanding and reasoning behind unwanted behaviors and the numbers of people who these disorders affects will be explained further in this paper. When it comes to eating disorders and the biological components involved in this would be obviously genetic and hormonal but Hansell and Damour also said that neurotransmitter abnormalities, and brain abnormalities association with the disorders play a role in the biological aspects on eating disorders.Also sub stance abuse, the biological components studied through research focuses on the role genetics plays in substance abuse (Hansell & Damour, 2008). Sexual dysfunctions viewed from the biological aspect can occur from medical illnesses. The medication prescribed for various medical illness such as diabetes and heart disease, contributes as a biological component (Hansell & Damour, 2008),unlike, the biological components of Gender Identity disorder (GID), but Society debates and wonders if a person is born homosexual. Gender Identity disorders involve an intense discomfort with his biological sex and prefer to be female instead of male.Much emphasis has been placed on temperament, which is an inborn behavioral tendency (Hansell & Damour, 2008). If a person believes that a person is free to believe in their own sexual preference is one he or she desires it could be a result of the environment they were raised in. disorders links to prenatal drug use (Hansell & Damour, 2008). People such a s Ted Bundy were prime examples of this type of situation. He never knew his father, his mother did not show him affection, and his bad experience with a second-grade teacher gave him the urge to want to kill at age seven (Meyer, Chapman, & Weaver, 009).Moreover, sexual disorders have a variety of psychological factors. Although biological components make up a portion of disorders, still other factors remain in the equation. Biological and emotional make up have been researched and help with the understanding of abnormal behaviors like substance abuse, sex, sexual and personality disorders, and gender, and the fact that there is an emotional connection. For example eating disorders are likely, when combined with psychological vulnerability, and family emphasis about weight, and appearance (Hansell & Damour, 2008).Improving troubled emotions through self-improvement, self- acceptance, ego, and relationship skills are significant components in relation to substance abuse, such as peop le with alcoholism in their family. ). Unfortunately, sexual disorders in some cases like perihelia occur from a sexual trauma and problematic emotions of humiliation, shame, and rage (Hansell & Damour, 2008). Many disorders involve anxiety, usually brought on by environmental and social factors, and some even traumatic experiences.The explanation of eating disorders on a cognitive-behavioral level focuses on experiences that have caused or reinforces eating disorder behaviors addressing the faulty and distorted thoughts that many with eating disorders suffering eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia both results from a combination of dysfunctional thoughts and repeated experiences that have reinforced the behaviors of eating disorders (Hansell & Damour, 2008). Eating disorders have extra pressures to the victims not only because of the media and society, but sometimes this is caused by family.Substance abuse may result from exposure in the wrong environment and learning from others. Although substance abuse of drugs or alcohol in men is twice likely than for women (Hansell & Damour, 2008), but substance abuse just as other disorders have many components to factor in the equation. In addition stress and negative thinking patterns contributes to relapses for some (Hansell & Damour, 2008). Substance abuse can be described and understood by classical and operant conditioning and social learning model.The observation of others is also a key factor in the behaviors people may display, behavioral intervention helps to reverse nwanted behaviors and maladaptive patterns of deviant sexual arousal (Hansell & Damour, 2008). Different components of personality disorders come into play when it comes to personality disorders some of those components are cognitive and some are behavioral components, and these different components help in underlying assumptions of cognitive e distortions. A person suffering will convince himself that the world is dangerous; he is helpl ess, vulnerable, unaccepted by others, and believing that his feelings are of no value.People who suffer from neurotic disorders found to have traits such as anxiety, hysteria, and obsessive compulsive disorder, studies of identical twins was greater than fraternal twins; neurotic needs by definition are non-productive and those people live unhealthy lives (Feist, & Feist, 2009). Each disorder has its own similarities even if it is eating, substance abuse, sex, gender, sexual. These disorders have their own separation and classifications such as age, gender, and class helps to breakdown the groups that suffer from various disorders.Whether biological, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral can help in assisting the professionals to understand patterns. The various approaches are an advantage and helps society realize the number of influences that affect eating habits, drug use, sexual, gender, and personality disorders, but when addressing the needs and reducing the outcome for women, men, and children is of the essence, most important addressing the forces behind the behaviors opens the door for components that form and support behaviors biological, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral.

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