Thursday, August 1, 2019

Tibet Through Chinese Eyes

Tibet through Chinese Eyes You must have heard about all sorts of tales about Chinese invasion of Tibet or the sympathy towards Tibet’s independent movement spread in western media. The pro-Tibet separatists act radically under the shielding of hostile westerners who even don’t know where Tibet is located geographically, not to say the long aged Chinese sovereignty of Tibet, the strenuous efforts of Chinese government made on developing it and the profound improvements of the Tibetan living standard. Chinese Sovereignty of Tibet The pro-Tibet groups, claiming â€Å"Free Tibet† and behaving out of control, accuse that China has intruded Tibet through armed aggression. However, the matter of fact is that the Chinese sovereignty on Tibet has lasted for 700 years. Why did Chinese army invade China? For those aggressive pro-Tibet advocators, please read the history before jumping to a misleading conclusion. Since Yuan Dynasty, Tibet has been an autonomous of China. In 1904, Britain sent out a formal instruction classifying Tibet as â€Å"a province of Chinese Empire†. In 1911, Republic of China was founded. The first provisional constitution of the new government stipulated that Tibet was part of China’s territory. After that, the prime minister of Indian delivered a speech in 1954, saying â€Å"Over the past several hundred years, as far as I know, at no time has any foreign country denied China's sovereignty over Tibet. † Up till now, all historical documents and enacted laws recognize that Tibet is a legal territory of China. To put it simple, Tibet to China is like what California to America. If someday Arnold Schwarzenegger stirred up a war to free California, would the U. S government renounce its sovereignty over California regardless of its meticulous care devoted to developing this state? The answer will be no, since the issue of sovereignty is beyond negotiation, not to mention a territory belonging to a country who has taken care of it for 700 years. Chinese Government’s Endeavors Before the democratic reform, Tibet was in a serf system. People there were dishonorably exploited and laid heavy burden on. Serf-owners’ revolt triggers a revolution conducted by the Chinese government to liberate the serfs by abolishing serfdom. Under the redoubled efforts of Chinese government, including agriculture development, religion preservation, tourism exploitation and educational popularization, Tibet experiences never-ending changes and improvements. According to national statistical service, the Tibetan population has doubled to 2. 6 million in the end of 2000 compared with only 1. 2 million in 1952; much of this being attributed to the improved sensational condition and living style since the reforms at the beginning under the Chinese governance, which also contributes to a decrease in infant mortality rate from 430/1000 in 1951 to 35. /1000 in 2000 and a longer average life expectancy of 65 years in 2001 while 35 years when Tibet was still in serfdom. The statistics above, reflecting an increasingly better live of Tibetans, terminate those rumors claiming that Chinese government has interfered with Tibet’s development. Instead, the strenuous efforts and advancing achievements demonstrate that our governme nt is concerning about Tibet and is able to bring Tibetans prosperous life. Even if Tibet attained its independence, people there would not lead a life as affluent as current status. The secrets are as follows. Conspiracy behind Tibet Freedom Before the revolution taken by the Chinese government, Dalai Lama was the aristocrat while the ordinary and innocent Tibetans were serfs. Land was granted by the aristocrat to the peasant, on condition that he paid a service (or feudal duty) to his superior, which means Dalai Lama had the right to idle his life while earned a living by exploiting serfs. To change this lagging policy, the Chinese government started a campaign of agrarian reform, including land recovery back to peasants for agricultural usage. Hence, the privilege of Dalai was disfranchised and then his ambitions drove him to rebellion, attempting vainly to be a lord again. However, the Chinese government has not compromised in the least on this matter. We do not allow any attempts to set Tibet back to serfdom. With the sovereignty of Tibet, China has the power and responsibility to help innocent Tibetans out of miserable backward life. As is known to all, China is a country with 56 different nationalities. What we are striving for is to develop harmoniously as a unit. The goal of the Chinese government, while a struggle, is in no way to shackle Tibet in all diversity, but to head forward side by side like a family. With the accredited sovereignty, the unremitting endeavors and the powerful national strength, China has adopted an uncompromising posture on the Tibet issue, for after all we are reluctant to witness the life deterioration of Tibetans who have been our countrymen for 700 years and will be so forever.

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