Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Comparison Of Internal And External Conflicts And Their...

The comparison of internal and external conflicts and their affects on lives. Essay? HOOK: The story Blue Winds Dancing by Thomas S. Whitecloud demonstrates the experience of a native man transitioning to his life into a white society. It exhibits the internal and external struggles in the native’s life that he encounters throughout his life. However, the native is an outcast and has a longing to go back to his native reserve. In comparison, Angel Levine by Bernard Malamud describes the life of a Jewish man, named Manischevitz, who lost everything: his children, his business, and his wife because of her fatal illness. He reaches out to God, but there is no response which also leads him to lose†¦show more content†¦Manischevitz is distraught when a Black Angel appears to help, and he realises that all hope is lost. This negatively affects Mr. Manischevitz because he seeks affirmation from God, although, he does not believe in the black angel s powers. This leads Manischevitz down a spiral where he smote to the naked bones, cursing himself for having believed † in God to help him in his time of need. On the other hand, in Blue Winds Dancing, the native also undergoes an internal conflict; the native feels alone and lost in the White world. He feels like an outsider with no place in the white world that he desperately wants to accept him. The native compares himself to a hobo because they both are outsiders because they cherish different things from a typical white man. Additionally, the native in the story does not have a name to symbolize that his experience is very similar to many other natives who want to be apart of the white world. Overall, the native is having an Identity crisis because he does not know whether to acculturate and become like every other white man or go back to the blanket because it is familiar to him. He longs for home because he does not agree with the white man s customs of getting a hill and wanting a mountain. He wants to return back home where people can be free and the native can truly be himself. These internal conflicts are similar because both protagonists encounter identity crises which cause them to seek affirmation in their faithShow MoreRelatedComplicated and Tragic Stories of The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams and The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzerald1140 Words   |  5 Pagescompletely separate time a young entrepreneur, Jay Gatsby, struggles to exist within a world of wealth in the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Their battle for existence is evident through each authors use of characterization, internal, and external conflict. And, similar to you each of their stories is long, complicated and tragic. 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