Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Analysis Of The Voice You Hear When You Read Silently

In the poem, â€Å"The Voice You Hear When You Read Silently,† Thomas Lux uses the idea that the voice that resides in every readers head is extremely important to establishing what a piece of written text means. The first information that we get from the poem is that fact that the voice that someone hears when they read silently, isn’t actually silent at all. When a person reads something silently there is a voice inside their head that actually speaks inside the depths of their mind. The reader may be reading the authors words so it could be considered that it’s their voice in a literary sense, but the words are being read in the readers own voice. This voice may not be the voice that someone uses every day to speak to people, but it is†¦show more content†¦This is also a metaphor that is used to help create the image in the readers head. A constellation is a group of stars that when viewed together make an unmistakable image in the sky. This is exactl y what these sensory words that were listed after do. They create an image in in the readers mind. Alone they are just another word in the English language, but when someone reads them all together then they become an unmistakable picture in one’s mind. When someone is reading some type of written work, just one word can bring back all these memories, experiences, and thoughts. The next symbol is the â€Å"barn† (17-33). Now a barn is just simply a structure on the farm, but the speaker uses it to show that there are often deeper meanings in writing or even words. The deeper meanings are all of the little memories an thoughts that are brought to mind. Another important part that Thomas Lux uses in his poem is imagery. As well as the ones already mentioned, the speaker uses the image â€Å"the sound of a tape played back† (10). This poem was written when cassette tapes were really big. Now days its not as easy because this generation does not have the image of th e cassette tape but the people still, for the most part, know what a cassette tape. The older generation will be able to see this image more clearly because cassette tapes were a newer thing for that generation, and a lot of people used them quite a bit. The biggest imagery occurs in the sensoryShow MoreRelatedPersonal Note On Core Value1361 Words   |  6 Pagescore value is about being able to demonstrate in your writing that you are able to take others feedback and use their feedback to revise your own essay, which I used throughout my first essay and the other two as well. While writing my essays the feedback from others has helped me make my essays better and more interesting. Without peer-editing my essays would have never became stronger and more well written. 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