Thursday, January 9, 2020

Beowulf - Pagan or Christian Epic Essay - 1069 Words

Beowulf Pagan or Christian Epic Beowulf: Pagan or Christian Epic? Although the story of Beowulf is filled with references to religion and faith, many discrepancies occur throughout the story that suggest that Beowulf is not a Christian epic. The character of Beowulf frequently speaks to God and obviously believes in His existence. However, pagan practices are mentioned in several places. Beowulf often refers to another being rather than the Christian God. Pagan practices of cremation and blood-drinking are included in the epic. There are also frequent allusions to the power of fate, the motive of blood revenge, and praise of worldly glory. All of these aspects make Beowulf a pagan tale with a few Christian elements.†¦show more content†¦Instead of praying to the Christian God for support, they make sacrifices to pagan idols. A second pagan reference concerns the monster Grendel. Grendel is a fierce and loathsome creature who roams the moors and despises all people and their pleasures. He is the enemy of everything pure and true. The mons ter is known for his taste for human flesh and for drinking the blood of his victims. â€Å"That frightful fiend drank down his [Beowulf’s] war-comrade’s blood and then devoured him piece by blood-smeared piece† (p. 394). In the Christian belief system, the drinking of any type of blood of any kind is specifically forbidden. â€Å"Any Israelite or any alien living among them who eats any blood--I will set my face against that person who eats blood and will cut him off from his people†. Beowulf is more troubled by Grendel’s larger actions of destruction rather than the breaking of this Christian belief. Although it is the evil force rather than the good and pure hero that participates in the drinking of blood, the inclusion of the practice adds to the pagan undertones of the story. Thirdly, Christian tradition holds that human bodies are to be buried rather than cremated. Although there is no direct ban against cremation, the Bible speaks clearly about â€Å"ashes to ashes, dust to dust.† Christian tradition states that God created man from dirt and so the body will return to the earth. The Bible states: â€Å"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, tillShow MoreRelatedBeowulf : Christian Or Pagan Epic?865 Words   |  4 PagesMichael Smith Waterman English 12 24 September 2015 Beowulf: Christian or Pagan Epic? Believe it or not, Thor was not just a fictional superhero that appeared in comics created by Marvel. Ultimately stemming from Proto-Indo-European religion, Thor is a prominently mentioned god throughout the recorded history of Germanic mythology and paganism. Pagans, a member of a community observing a polytheistic religion, dominated Southern Europe society and literature until Christianity slowly drove out paganismRead MoreBeowulf: the Pagan Christian Epic Hero1569 Words   |  7 PagesBeowulf has both pagan and Christian influences. 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